“Blood Red Sky” is a horror movie that takes place in the future, where vampires have been wiped out and humans are now hunted by werewolves. A mother goes on a rampage to protect her son from being turned into a werewolf.
Blood Red Sky is a horror movie about a vampire mom who goes Mama Bear crazy to protect her son.
When one thinks of the “Blood Red Sky” genre, films like Liam Neeson’s “Non-Stop,” Wesley Snipes’ “Passenger 57,” and Robert Rodriguez’s “From Dawn until Dusk” come to mind. This horror film has it all: a lot of blood, ripped open jugulars, and razor-sharp fangs. Basically, all of the unsettling elements that constitute a horror film are there. Peter Thorwarth, who also co-wrote the script with Stefan Holtz, directed this unique film, which is partially in German and English and is also known as ‘Transatlantic 473.’ On July 23, ‘Blood Red Sky’ was published exclusively on Netflix as part of the streaming service’s commitment to offer a new title every week.
Nadja, a single mother and a vampire in disguise, is portrayed by German actress Peri Baumeister, while her son Elias is played by Carl Anton Koch. They board a plane bound for New York City, where Nadja will have a bone marrow transplant in the hopes of curing her leukemia.
However, it is vampirism, not blood cancer, that afflicts her, which she is attempting to treat. Things seem to be normal, and the aircraft takes off; nevertheless, the trip is not without incident, as the plane is hijacked by a gang of terrorists headed by ‘Prison Break’ star Dominic Purcell as it reaches the Pacific Ocean.
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We are never informed why the terrorists gained possession of the aircraft, which creates a huge hole in the narrative since we never witness them take anything from it and they are set to leap off only minutes after gaining control. We do discover, however, that they planned to unleash a deadly gas aboard that would kill everyone, implying that their goal may have been to murder all of the passengers.
One of the fanatics is a crazy lunatic called Eightball, played to brilliantly by Alexander Sheer. He seems to enjoy murdering and shoots Nadja many times in front of all the other passengers, including her little son Elias, who is distraught. However, since she is a blood sucking monster, she does not die and lives to feed another day. In a sequence of flashbacks, we learn about her past as she regains consciousness.
So, Nadja was a regular person who was married to a man named Nikolai, but he was assassinated by a nightwalker when he went to seek assistance when their vehicle broke down while on a family vacation. Nadja gets bitten by the horrible creature and afflicted with the virus as she goes searching for him. This at the very least clarifies her situation, ensuring that the viewer is not annoyed by the absence of information.
Nadja has managed to keep her vampirism hidden for years; not even her kid is aware of the monster she conceals within until she is forced to defend him from callous killers. Normally, action horror thrillers wait until about halfway through to introduce havoc and mayhem, but this film doesn’t waste any time. Before anybody can comprehend the kidnapping and murder of an elderly passenger, the scenario devolves into a bloodbath.
Despite its high action and violence, ‘Blood Red Sky’ lacks in intensity and macabreness. The vampire’s fangs don’t seem scary enough, and although it’s believed that when a vampire feeds, they get stronger, quicker, and indestructible, this isn’t the case with Nadja; while she scores a few kills thanks to her parental instincts, she appears feeble and doesn’t terrify the baddies very much. Her teeth and facial expressions might have been more ominous, threatening, and frightening.
So, returning to the hijacking, just as the bad guys are ready to bail out, they find a bloodsucker inside their vehicle and rush to the cockpit to kill her. Things go wrong when Nadja assassinates the gang’s boss. Eightball, being the power-hungry, blood-hungry maniac that he is, takes advantage of the situation by injecting Nadja’s blood into his veins, turning himself into a vampire. Everyone aboard the aircraft gets transformed into a vampire before anybody can comprehend what’s going on around them, with the exception of Elias and Farid (played by Kais Setti), who safely land the jet.

The military is waiting on the ground because of one detail. When the terrorists seized control of the plane, they compelled several Muslim passengers to make statements in which they claimed responsibility. As a result, we can’t blame the commander for being concerned as the aircraft lands. Despite Farid’s repeated statements that he is unable to release the passengers, they continue to send their men inside. This element contributes to the suspense by implying that the authorities are unaware of the facts and are only acting on the information they have.
This movie focuses a lot on the connection between a mother and her child, as well as the lengths to which she will go to keep her child safe. There are many emotional moments that make one’s eyes fill up and, of course, it hits a personal spot for everyone with a heart. Unfortunately, the monster’s side triumphs, causing a loving son to blast his mother and the rest of the vampires to ashes when he learns they have fully lost their humanity.
The claustrophobic atmosphere of the film, in which terrible things happen to helpless people hundreds of feet above the ocean with nowhere to go, contributes to the audience’s uneasiness. There isn’t much to say about the clothes since the film is essentially a live-action scenario, and the music works well, going loud during the action and quieting down when the emotions strike.
Though Baumeister’s outstanding performance kept ‘Blood Red Sky’ alive, the film is far from flawless, yet it is nonetheless fascinating and intriguing.
Blood Red Sky is a 2017 horror film directed by Kevin Kolsch and Dennis Widmyer. It stars Laura Vandervoort as a vampire mom who goes Mama Bear crazy to protect her son from the evil vampires that want him for their own. Reference: blood red sky trailer.